
5 Foods That Contain The Best Proteins To Eat To Build Ripped Abs


In order to get those washboard abs you desire you need to make sure that you are following the right kind of diet plan. Plus of course you need to be doing the right sorts of exercises that will help to increase muscle mass. When it comes to your diet plan you need to make sure that you include certain foods that contain the best proteins to eat to build ripped abs.

You may be wondering just what sorts of foods you should be eating that contain lots of protein. Below we take a look at what we consider are five of the best foods that contain the protein power you need.

Food 1 – Legumes
These types of foods aren’t only rich in protein but also contain high levels of fibers as well compared to other forms of plant food. Also they contain large amounts of carbs, which will slowly release energy to your body throughout the day.

Food 2 – Salmon
As well as this type of fish containing high levels of Omega3 that will help to boost muscle mass it is a good source of protein as well. However to make sure that none of these vital components are lost when cooking salmon only ever bake or grill it.

Food 3 – Mollusks
These types of sea foods are very rich in protein and would make a wonderful addition to your diet plan. The kinds of mollusks you should be choosing to eat include mussels, oysters and clams. As well as containing a lot of protein they also contain lots of Vitamin B and iron.

Food 4 – Nuts
Even though this type of food is high in fat, it is in fact the kind that is actually good for you. Ideally stick to eating nuts in their natural state rather than those that have been roasted. Again if you eat the roasted kind you may find that they have lost a lot of the good fat and protein from them.

Food 5 – Eggs
When you are creating your diet plan to help you get that washboard stomach you need to make sure that you include this food in yours. Again this food contains one of the best proteins to eat to build ripped abs. Avoid frying them. Instead eat them hard boiled or poached. You can have them on a slice of toasted whole grain bread in the morning or sliced up and put into a salad for your lunch or dinner.

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