
3 Ways to Become More Attractive to Females

attract women

I would bet anything that most guys would give their right hands if they could be more appealing to women. The cost isn’t really that extreme, but the fact is that most men simply don’t know what it takes to be more appealing to the opposite sex.

If you’re one of them, then keep reading to learn a few things you can change in your life that will make your more appealing to females. Prepare for some amazing results…

Well here it is…Three Ways to Make Yourself More Appealing to Females

Way #1: Learn to Value Yourself. It sounds very cheesy, I know, but if you want other people (particularly women) to like you, then you must have a little self-esteem.

Build up your personality by learning from people who you look up to. Pick one skill and work on until it’s something that really makes you stand out from the other guys out there. All these things will contribute to making you more attractive to the ladies.

Way #2: Have a Positive Attitude. No one likes a loser. Whenever you’re in the company of a woman, avoid mentioning the times when you failed or screwed something up.

At the same time, you don’t want to go around boasting either, because that just makes you look like you’re trying too hard and covering up your insecurity.

Way #3: Do a little research!  Actually read those articles that women repost on Facebook because guess what?…they are posting those because they relate to those article.  Pay attention guys! Women are literally giving you a first hand insight of how they feel when they repost those odyssey articles.  Just because they are directed at women doesn’t mean you can’t read them too.  It is actually more of a reason for you to read them so you can know their thoughts and feelings.  So read those articles women repost; read a Cosmo magazine article.  Use the fact that these written insights into women’s minds (that are for the most part written by women to other women) are out there in your reach to pick up and look at.  So read some and you’ll feel a lot more comfortable talking to women.

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